Some Kind Of Perspective On the Spirit Realm
The Bible can only use human language to express superhuman facts, so that it can be only shadow language. And if we are too literal in our interpretation, we can easily miss what it is meant to convey, just as the Jews failed to recognize the Christ when He came.
The greatest failure in this respect is in passing over from the sense of separation which this third-dimensional world conveys to us in all our relationships, to the actual reality of union, the Christ-in-you reality which Paul named as the mystery of the ages. In our average church preaching we have rightly stressed separation from God through sin (although many have missed the fact of our natural birth with a Satanic nature). We have proceeded to reconciliation through Christ. But we have rarely gone right through to unification of Spirit with spirit. And the reason is obvious. It takes us out of our depths in this three dimensional world of length, width and height, of line, plane and cube, where every person or object in its apparent existence is distinct from another.
To talk of Christ in us, and we in Christ - to speak of multitudes of persons being one in Him - to be told of a day when everything will be gathered together in One - when God will be all in all - when time will be no more - when past, present and future will be all the same in Him who is already “the same yesterday, today and forever” - to be given many instances and statements in Old and New Testaments to prove that future events are already in existence in God’s sight, for He “declares the end from the beginning” - such facts and statements are uncomfortable to us in our down-to-earth world of space and time. And even though we accept them from the Bible, we really regard them as vague, rather unreal spiritualities rather than the actual facts, while what we call real is in truth vague!
Our complacency is being shaken, however. If we haven’t really accepted the Bible as speaking scientific truth on these subjects, we have suddenly had to wake up to an unexpected ally to the Scriptures - modern science! Classical physics states that solid matter, for instance, is actually billions of whirling units of energy - whatever that may mean. Then the movement and mass of subatomic particles is described by quantum mechanics. At its core is the uncertainty principle first announced in 1927 by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg. The uncertainty principle states that certain pairs of quantities, such as the position and momentum of an electron, cannot be measured simultaneously. This means that the electron is not the objective, absolute, and determinable bit of matter whirling around a nucleus like our earth whirls around the sun like classical physics describes, but a sort of objective entity that in a sense is smeared out around the nucleus. It declares mathematically that atomic and nuclear particles are distributed in an uncertain and random fashion. The location at any instant of any particle can be described only using a system of probabilities and statistics.
There plainly is another world beyond our world of senses. But consider first our three dimensions. The first dimension, which is length, is represented by a straight line made up of an infinite number of points. The second dimension, length and width, forming a flat surface, a plane, is represented by a square which is made up of an infinite number of lines side by side. The third dimension in which we live has length, width and height, and is represented by a cube which is made up of an infinite number of square surfaces as it were piled on top of one another. HERE WE SEE THAT EACH NEW DIMENSION IS COMPOSED OF AN INFINITE COMBINATION OF THE OBJECTS OF THE PREVIOUS DIMENSION.
The first characteristic is that persons in this new kingdom or realm or dimension are not separate as we regard persons here but are really One Person. But because He is the All, all opposites are resolved in Him. Therefore a part may contain the whole, as much as the whole contain the part. Thus the children of the new birth are all one Christ, yet a complete Christ is living in each!
God is the Trinity, yet each Person of the Trinity is separately and distinctly complete God. Of Christ it is said, “The Word (Christ) was with God, AND the Word was God” and “in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily”. The Whole is one God, and yet the Parts are each the Whole! To human logic an absurdity, to faith a reality. And we redeemed children of God are already introduced to this relationship, to this fact. We are actually part of the ascended Christ: “as the body is one and has many members … so also in Christ”. He is the All in all of the body, yet we remain forever separate persons in that One, and in each of us lives the Complete Christ! THAT IS SPIRIT DIMENSION LOGIC.
A realization of this by believers gives a new sense of solidarity to our unity in Christ. This is already a fact, though not realized by our outward senses. It makes an absurdity of separation between believers to the point where we lack confidence in some fellow believer. We may have plenty of differences between us owing to our finite minds and easily disturbed souls, but basic division, no. If we have, we have divided with ourselves, we have no confidence in ourselves, or worse still with Christ, who is the real Spirit of every believer. The more closely you associate with fellow Christians, you must make more room for personality differences, to the point that the critical basis of brotherly love must be UNION WITH JESUS CHRIST DWELLING WITHIN EACH OF YOU.
A consideration of dimensions which might help to expand our consciousness is more of a speculation, but we seem to have good grounds for it. Reconsidering the fact that infinite points make a line, and infinite lines make a plane, and infinite planes make a cube, we see how the three together forming our third dimension, are built in increasing ascendancy one upon the other. If we could conceive of a being living in the first or line dimension, he could not understand or grasp anything outside that straight line. Supposing a square or a cube crossed that line, he would be unable to conceive of such objects and it would erroneously appear to him only as if some dot or series of dots had intersected his line. The rest would be unknown to him.
The second dimension, then, would be a combination of length and width; and that would mean height would be unknown to a being in that dimension. Therefore, if a cube intersected with the square, it would appear just as another flat surface at the intersection. The fact of it being a cube with height to it would be incomprehensible.
And so in the third dimension, where there is length, width and height, where we live. The cube is made up of an infinite number of plane surfaces, one on top of the other; but we can conceive nothing beyond these three dimensions.
Now for the spirit realm or fourth dimension. If there is such, though inconceivable to us, it must consist of an infinite number of cubes, individual solid bodies, forming some transcendent unit.
BUT IS THIS NOT JUST WHAT IS SHADOWED OUT TO US IN THE SCRIPTURES? All the redeemed believers being members of ONE - Christ... all things gathered together in ONE - in Christ. … the kingdom “delivered up to God, even the Father, that God may be all in all … time no more, but past, present and future ONE - in Him who is “the first and the last”.
Is this not an indication that our whole material universe is in some way the building blocks of the spirit realm beyond, just as points build straight lines for the first dimension, straight lines build planes for the second, and planes build cubes for the third??
So cubes, all individual solid objects of all sizes, will build the fourth dimension. And we who are, by infinite grace, made part of that One Christ will in some way contain IN US the whole material universe, be in all parts of it at the same moment, with all hearing and all seeing and all past, present and future together. We in God and He in us, all will be the dimension of eternal life and love.
All men have been created to live in the spirit dimension. All Christians by their new birth have been taken into this fourth dimension NOW as infant children of God. We are firmly and eternally planted in this spirit dimension and our Father will complete our growth into the awareness of how the dimension operates.
So there it is. We are introduced by the eye of faith into another dimension, an invisible spirit dimension realm where, by the authority of the Word of God, separation is dissolved. And some scientific discoveries of our day can help rid us of our inhibiting materialistic outlook, and to glimpse both through the Scriptures and by scientific hypothesis our living union with a timeless God. And that means the outworking, through the operations of His faith is us, of His purposes which in His sight are already in existence.
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