Friday, May 05, 2006

End-Time Prophecy - (Part Three)

It is critically important to realize that the Book of Revelation is not written in a straight-forward style easily understood by the twenty-first century western mind. Revelation is written in a literary style called apocalyptic. This writing style uses poetic language, metaphorical messages, and figurative images and symbols to convey its message. Some images that are used are known – common animals for example. Other images described in the visions given to John that form the text of Revelation are nightmarish beasts, unknown to any biologist or zoologist. It is a book filled with cosmic symbols.

Characters and events are portrayed in images because no literal description could convey the profound meaning that the Lamb of God reveals. They are physical symbols of spiritual realities, and in the Book of Revelation the greatest reality is spiritual, with the physical and earthly reality being but a shadow of the greater and deeper heavenly reality.

The symbols, figures, numbers, and colors in apocalyptic writing were not intended to be taken literally. Because of their culture and familiarity with apocalyptic literature, the original readers of Revelation would have had a better sense of how to interpret these symbols than we do. Christ, the Messenger of Revelation, inspired the human author, John, to use the literary style of apocalyptic exactly because it was familiar to the original audience. And in addition it was a time of great persecution both by Rome and by the Jewish Zealots, and some veiling of opponents and events was necessary. Thus Revelation cannot be read and understood the way we read and understand popular twenty-first century literature (but that doesn’t stop literalists from giving it the old college try!). The practice of placing a premium on literal meanings can actually block the intended message.

The emphasis of the four methods I have briefly considered is when. I believe there is a fifth way, A CHRIST-CENTERED PERSPECTIVE of Revelation based solely on GOD’S GRACE. This perspective primarily concerns the who of Revelation.

God’s grace enables us to see Jesus standing at the center of Revelation, and Jesus’ Cross as the hinge center of the book.

While blame for Christian preoccupation with detailed predictions, speculations, and the when of Revelation must be laid at the door of all four popular methodologies that have been used to interpret this book, futurism is the primary culprit. This is not to say that there is not a when element in the book, whether that time is past, present or future. It is first and foremost the “revelation of Jesus Christ”.

Whether the coming of Jesus Christ to this earth and the establishment of His kingdom on this earth occurred in 70AD as preterism asserts, or a future event yet to happen as futurists predict, the fact is that the risen Christ, for us Christians, is with us and IN US NOW, even while we often find ourselves engulfed by speculative predictions that obsess about specific events and times. Such an emphasis can lead us away from Him who is in us.

The emphasis of our daily walk with the indwelling Jesus Christ must be that He is reigning as King in our life right now – today. He has things He wants to lead us to today in His kingdom. He has character to build in us today. He has a ministry to others He wants to extend through us today.

Whatever the spiritual meaning of the wild beasts and strange images of the Book of Revelation, TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION. We must allow Jesus to do His work through us today. He is our reigning King and we are in the Kingdom of God as His children today.
“For we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end” (Hebrews 3:14).

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