Tuesday, December 27, 2005

WINDOWS-XP - a Disk-Operating-System

The computer on which I am writing this article uses Windows-XP. This is an improved operating system for computers which is the newest in Microsoft’s line of control systems. These began with Windows-95 which became the standard of the industry.

For any computer to be effective in what it is assigned to do, there must be a “disk operating system” or “DOS” which is the control system that guides and directs the flow of information and tasks to be performed. In early computers, DOS was little more than a primitive menu to access whatever files were contained on a disk.

The Windows-XP system is a very refined form of DOS to correlate all of the functions of a present day computer system. Modern computers deal with construction of information (word processors, informational database, and business spreadsheets), printing out data to printers, sending and receiving information over telephone lines (modems), access to laser-disk information (CD-Rom), access to the Internet, and video and audio functions. The ability of Windows-XP to access and perform multiple tasks at the same time and in a fast and highly efficient manner is being praised by those who deal with computers on a regular basis.
You might say that the operating system is the framework upon which the computer functions. There have been primitive frameworks to direct the early computers, and there has been a progression to more refined and more encompassing frameworks to drive the activities of modern-day computers.

Each individual lives, moves and plans within a certain framework of reference. The view a person has of the world, of life and of eternity is much like a “Windows system” which either limits or enhances. Accordingly, all basic concepts of truth and its functions are circumscribed by this “window” or as I shall call it, a framework of reference.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”, and where there is only a narrow framework of reference there is great limitation. Just as it is impossible for a computer to function beyond the ability of its operating system, so it is impossible for a person to dedicate himself beyond his framework of reference.

There is an ultimate “framework of reference” given to us by God in His Word but which is so often bypassed or overlooked by Christians in their spiritual life. This is the ultimate “Windows”, what I might call

While as human beings we cannot know all the vast details of God’s basic plan and purpose for human beings, my conviction is that God has given us an unveiling of the highest framework of reference upon which we are to base our spiritual life - our spiritual “operating system”.

Let me begin with the three most common primitive frameworks of reference and then introduce the necessity of the ultimate and highest DOS - the “divine operating system”.

FRAMEWORK 1. For those who are primarily occupied with personal salvation, their framework begins with man’s fall into sin and ends with man’s redemption and getting to heaven. But since it starts with man, it ends with man and what he gets. This is a short, primitive and self-centered framework. We must not discount the primitive power of this frame of reference (it could be compared to Windows-95), but we must see it properly related to a larger framework of truth and purpose in God.

FRAMEWORK 2. Others seem almost to bypass any need for personal redemption. They almost ignore the Fall and become involved in the establishing of God’s kingdom purposes. Just talk to anyone who is really indoctrinated in the national message - a Jehovah’s Witness or a devotee of the “Left Behind” series of prophetic teaching - and you find how their framework is concerned with God’s kingdom and His righteous government on the earth. They concentrate on God’s universal kingdom of righteousness on this earth or the restoration to the Garden of Eden and all that was lost by Adam. Alas, there are many Christians who start with Adam in the Garden and end with man as universal king on the earth (it could be compared to Windows-Millenium).

FRAMEWORK 3. Advancing on to a deeper framework, there are those who start with the Eternal God as Creator. Beginning with God in His Genesis creation, they seek to find meaning and reason for this vast creation. There are numerous interpretations within this framework, but for even the most devoted, this framework seems to stop with man pleasing God and finally enjoying all that God has for man in a “new creation”.
“The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight of the sons of God coming into their own. The world of creation cannot as yet see Reality, not because it chooses to be blind, but because in God‘s purpose it has been so limited - yet it has been given hope. And the hope is that in the end the whole of created life will be rescued from the tyranny of change and decay and have its share in that magnificent liberty which can only belong to the children of God! It is plain to anyone with eyes to see that at the present time all created life groans in a sort of universal travail” (Rom. 8:19-22 Phillips trans.)

So all creation will be delivered! But there must be some greater reason. New! For what? The dedication in this third DOS framework (which might be compared to the present Windows-XP) is that God might (in this future hour when “all things are new”) have the glory and honor. This does in a sense go beyond the self-centered concept of what man is to get, yet this view is still too small. There is a larger and more ultimate framework which gives the perspective of the total purpose of the original plan of God.


Finally we come to the ultimate spiritual operating system - the basic but most advanced framework of reference. If we have not realized it, we will be surprised that it starts way back in the Father nature of God - not merely with the foundation but before the foundation of the world. It was not man’s fall that determined all things. It was not God’s desire for a kingdom, nor even His plan for a new creation. But it was God’s fatherly paternal being and nature which determined His primary desire, His basic eternal purpose, His supreme dedication. This primordial purpose of the Godhead was to birth human beings into the Family of God. The Father wanted to be called: “Abba Father” - DADDY! Children in the Family of God were to have the very NATURE of God instilled within them! The desire to be a FATHER of many children is God’s supreme framework — His “Divine Operating System”.

What framework could be larger than the one beginning with the eternal Father and ending with that vast family which will bring to Him and His Firstborn Son, Christ, honor, glory, pleasure and satisfaction? In such a framework we see the importance of redemptive salvation (since men did fall). We see the kingdom; we see the New Creation, but we also see the Father as “Dad”, we see Christ as “Big Brother”, and we see the Holy Spirit as that glorious and perfect Teacher who makes all of our understanding come together into the spiritual awareness of who we are in God’ s plan.

Turn again to Paul’s words in Romans 8 and see if they have more meaning:
“And it is plain, too. . . that at last we have realized our full sonship in Him. Moreover we know that to those who love God, who are called according to His Plan, everything that happens fits into a pattern for good. God, in His foreknowledge, chose them to bear the family likeness of His Son, that He might be the elder of a family of many brothers. He chose them long ago; when the time came He called them, He made them righteous in His sight and then lifted them to the splendor of life as HIS OWN SONS” (Rom. 8:28-30 Phillips trans.)

Yes, in many ways, our intellect acts as a computerized system. Yes, we need DOS! We need a “Divine Operating System”! The computers of the world may now have Windows-XP. But the Holy Spirit Teacher living within our soul intellect is ready and anxious to install the best mainframe spiritual software available: WINDOWS-OF-HEAVEN. This is software which always keeps us related to our Family status. Everything that we accomplish is based on the ultimate reference to our Family of God relationship.

The Old Testament prophet Malachi made the statement: “…prove Me now herewith, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open to you the WINDOWS OF HEAVEN and pour out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” (Mal. 3:10).

Having God’s framework of reference is what gives meaning to the Christian life.

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