Science Fiction That Is True
We all love a good science fiction story once in a while. The excitement of the concepts presented titillate our emotions and imaginations. We like to think about what could be possible about the universe around us. And with an explosion of knowledge in science, there are unlimited possibilities for stories about scientific creations and outer space situations.
There is even a cable channel called the “Sci-Fi” channel which shows only science fiction movies twenty-four hours a day.
People want to believe that the things done in science fiction presentations can happen in the future: time travel, robots, etc. Jules Verne in the 1800’s probably began in earnest the science fiction concepts continued by H.G. Wells and others.
The movie “Terminator” about a robot from the future which travels back in time to the present day to kill the potential mother of a potential future-day world leader was one of the biggest box-office grossing movies of all time.
Movies such as “E. T.” present apparently good extra-terrestrial life. Others such as the “Alien” trilogy present very dangerous forms of alien life.
More recent movies such as “The Cube” and “The Matrix” present scientific advances of the future.
Movies such as “Contact” try to bring to our imaginations the concepts of what heaven may be like.
But how would you like to read a science fiction story that is not fiction? It has all the elements of a UFO and outer space encounter, but it can be proven to be totally true! Well, read on! Here it is!
In the far distant past, a great Being from outer space came to this planet Earth. In fact this Being was not just from outer space in this universe but was from another dimension, another realm which is actually non-dimensional! This realm has no height, length or depth. Or weight. Or size. Not that it is large. Or small. It is neither of these. Many universes can fit within it. Or the whole realm itself can fit within your body.
If this is not enough to give us a hefty headache, consider that there is no space or time in this realm. Obviously, we have a struggle grasping all of those things because we never lived in a habitat with such odd features. You are a creature of space-time, of the physical and dimensional.
This Being took the form of a human being and lived among the human population unrecognized for about 30 years and did not make any special effort to disclose his true nature during that time. Then he began a public life and over a period of three years made contact with and exerted influence over a large number of people. This alien Visitor announced to the people of the world that he wanted to be their leader and show them how to live. He had a special “one-on-one” relationship with those who met him; so much so that it was often recognized that there was something different about him! He had a compassion and a feeling for people that was and is still rare in human beings. And since he had fantastic extra—terrestrial powers unheard of on earth of healing sickness, correcting physical deformities and even bringing dead people back to life, he often felt compelled to use this power to ease the distress of humans.
He did not look to be in the spot-light, but his fame as a healer and counselor began to become extensively known. He had a very small group of close contacts who, after recognizing the different nature of this “strange” individual, lived day and night with him and actually dedicated their lives to him.
Whereas human beings in general have attitudes of “getting for oneself” and “accumulating things”, this Visitor had a GIVING AND SHARING WITH OTHERS attitude that permeated his whole being.
As he lived and associated with these close followers, he gradually over the years revealed to them some of the characteristics of this alien race which he represented. First, he was a type of being who could not die or be destroyed but had an ETERNAL LIFESPAN! Second, his race of beings had complete control over physical matter and could create it, rearrange it or destroy it at will! (They would have considered him totally strange indeed if he had told them the real scoop that he had himself actually created the whole material universe!) Third, these alien beings had the power of instant transportation or instant communication from one end of the universe to the other and even into the non-material realm. The speed of light was no limiting factor and was of no consequence.
The first announcement he made to his human contacts was that he was going to be the HEAD OF A GOVERNMENT which he was going to set up over the whole earth! But when he perceived that the general population would never accept him as their leader or king, he told his associates that it was not in his time-schedule to set up the government then, but that he was going to go away and return later to set it up. He said that the people of the earth had still not had their fill of human governments with all of their built-in problems of “get” attitude and that they just weren’t ready to be teachable and to accept his way.
This alien Visitor, in the last half of his public activities, began to present a very radical concept which was just so far out that it seemed to even his closest friends to be too wild to understand. He said that the only way humans could free themselves from the independent attitude of “get” and become like his alien family nature of “give” WAS TO INVITE THIS ALIEN VISITOR TO ACTUALLY COME INSIDE OF THEM IN A LIVING UNION WITH THEM - DWELLING INTERNALLY WITHIN THEM, AND PROVIDING THE STRENGTH AND POWER HIMSELF TO OVERCOME THEIR INDEPENDENT WAYS.
“How could this be?” they wondered. They had never heard of a union between two beings, especially two beings from different worlds! Human minds are stretched beyond reason by such a concept. Some of the people ceased following him because of his message. The closest ones continued to follow him but wondered in awe how this could be. The Visitor kept insisting that man must finally see that he cannot control himself and needs power greater than himself; that is, THEY WOULD BECOME TEACHABLE!
This Visitor from another realm told his contacts that the only problem with this family of beings of which he was a member was that THERE JUST WEREN’T ENOUGH OF THEM! He told them that one of the reasons that he had come at that time was to begin to work with human beings in a unique way! He said that even though human beings have a limited lifespan and die as the animals and plants do, it does not have to be this way. He said that this race of Beings had planned long ago to use the human race to DRASTICALLY INCREASE THIS SUPERIOR ALIEN FAMILY!
They wanted to expand the number in their family in order to govern the earth and ultimately the whole universe and beyond.
The process would work like this: after his human life on earth, the Visitor would make a mental or telepathic contact with a number of human beings giving the knowledge of him and his basic way of life of “give” rather than “get”. (This Visitor revealed that even before his coming to earth, some very few people in past ages had already been selected and contacted by him.) If these contacted persons accepted the knowledge of him and decided to change and give him control of their lives, he would immediately birth them into his alien family and would come, with his eternal life, to live in them, within their being, and guide them in their lives using them as his contact to the world. In fact, as they continued to accept and recognize that he was living in them, he would actually take the steering wheel of their lives and direct them along the proper paths toward the lifestyle that they were created for. They would continue to live in their material bodies until natural human death. But they would actually be, right now in this life, MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY OF THIS GREAT ALIEN RACE!
It would be like being “born again”. These people who chose to follow him would instantly have their old corrupt “get” nature removed and replaced by the “give” nature of the alien race. They could continue to live out their human lives on earth and grow in the knowledge and awareness of their living union with the Visitor. As they trusted in his strength, they would be directed internally on paths which taught this Visitor’s alien lifestyle.
Of course, being part human and part alien, the human part would fail at times due to external influences of the world. But these failures would only, in the end, serve to draw closer the understanding of the alien/human union. The Visitor said that, no matter what, he would never dissolve the union and leave. He was present for the long haul - to achieve the Alien Family goal of eternal children.
When these new members of the alien family died, their bodies would experience corruption in the grave, but they would be RESURRECTED INTO HIS SUPER-RACE! They would be total members of this alien realm with new bodies having no human limitations. These selected and transformed new MEMBERS of his RACE OF BEINGS would be the leaders and framework of his government over the whole material and spiritual realms.
This is the alien plan! And they have the power to carry it out! But the Visitor was not able to make the general population or even most of his close associates understand the awesome vision for the future. The crowds who heard the Visitor became more and more antagonistic and decided that they did not want to hear anymore of these wild plans. So they proceeded to have a mock-trial and to execute him. And the Visitor allowed himself to die a human death. (He made it clear that his death as a human was a necessary criterion in the alien plan of justice to enable human beings to be brought into the Alien Family.)
But three days after his human death, he came back from the grave and demonstrated by his power of his resurrection that he was who he said he was.
He bid a final goodbye to his close associates and returned to his native realm. The word of what had happened spread throughout the world because of the enthusiasm and alien power of the ones who accepted him. The world even reset their calendars dating their years from the year of arrival of the Visitor.
A body of believers in this Visitor from outer space has always existed in the world communities ever since. But many are the skeptics who refuse to accept the proven facts of history. The life, death and resurrection of the Visitor have been established historically by every researcher beyond the shadow of a doubt. But because so many centuries have passed since all this occurred, much of the world today attempts to ignore or discredit what happened. But they are being contacted just as the Visitor promised. The telepathic messages are coming
in. Some are tuning in. Some are tuning out. But those who, because of their life circumstances, are listening and accepting the message of alien life control are being reborn just as the Visitor explained.
It is ironic that in an age that is looking for the excitement of science fiction, so many are skeptical of the only TRUE SCI-FI CHANNEL: the communication coming from the Visitor’s Family! The knowledge is there for the taking. And with the knowledge and acceptance comes the LIFE! Let’s face it! When we look around the world in general, human life looks difficult, full of complications and dangers. Is this what we were meant for?
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